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"I don't deserve a driver's lisence. I don't even deserve a
library card."
Baby, You Can Drive My Car
submitted by: Quijkhler
Wednesday July 19th 2000 07:54:41 AM

Balki: "Cousin... I can't feel my arm!"
Larry: "Are you sure? I can feel it."
Tooth or Consequences
submitted by: Poopsiekin <LadyLove@mystic.com>
Friday May 26th 2000 04:22:04 PM

Larry: "I think we overdid it at the club."
Balki: "Yes... Or, you threw me out the window."
Hunks Like Us
submitted by: The Magnificent Single Dredlock <nowheresville@girlstown.com>
Friday May 26th 2000 04:20:41 PM

All right, fine. You've made your cake, now lie in it.
Just Deserts
submitted by: Danny Crowle <JoelAppleton@aol.com>
Saturday May 20th 2000 08:52:22 PM

"Well, I guess Princess Di is cast."
Night School Confidential
submitted by: RSH <YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS>
Thursday March 23rd 2000 12:52:51 AM

"We are lean cuisine, fighting machines."
Karate Kids
submitted by: RSH <YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS>
Thursday March 23rd 2000 12:51:47 AM

Gina: Do you think it would be ok with Larry?
Balki: Well of course it would don't be ridiculous. Do we have to tell him?
Hello Baby
submitted by: Quijkhler
Monday January 31st 2000 06:56:09 PM

When Larry, Jennifer, Balki, and Mary Anne, along with there
boss were up in a cabin. You know...the one where that Big
escape convict was loose. Anyhow. I don't remember it just
how it was but it was something like this:
Balki: Now we can play....BINGI BINGI!!!
Eyewitless Reports
submitted by: Barbra Jo <TigerEyez78@aol.com>
Thursday December 16th 1999 05:49:48 PM

Larry: "I'm neurotic."
Balki: "Noooooo!"
Larry: "Yes.."
Balki: "Cosin...you are NOT erotic!"
submitted by: Lugubrious Nose <Lugubrious Nose@aol.com>
Sunday November 21st 1999 11:07:24 PM

"Well bang my bongos and call me Desi"
"America- Land of the Free and Home of the Whopper"
submitted by: Tre <FantasyGrrl924@bolt.com>
Thursday October 14th 1999 03:01:40 PM

"If you don't make the bibibobkas the traditional Myposian
way, the bibi in the bobka goes BOOM'"
Just Deserts
submitted by: Tanya <framness@msn.com>
Monday October 4th 1999 12:39:57 PM

"Cousin, it's time to talk about the hard facts. It's time to talk about the wrath of the Gabuggies."
Good Skates
submitted by: Dan
Tuesday September 21st 1999 05:42:26 PM

"They examined your head and found nothing."
Speak, Memory
submitted by: Quijkhler
Saturday September 18th 1999 08:32:24 PM

(At the bowling alley) "This ball's no good it's got
holes in it"
Blind Alley
submitted by: Quijkhler
Saturday September 18th 1999 08:28:48 PM

"Nobody takes money out of my mother's mouth."
Assertive Trianing
submitted by: Quijkhler <ps@omicron.8m.com>
Saturday September 18th 1999 08:26:56 PM

"Well, rope my feet and call me Dodi!"
don't remember exactly
submitted by: kim <kimfinity@aol.com>
Sunday September 12th 1999 06:59:50 PM

After Larry explains to balki how he had the chance to
become rich and get the girl of his dreams, if not for a
business deal gone bad,
Balki: "You mean, Bunky and Brin are basking in the
boosom of Braswell's big bucks?
Larry: Basically, But!...if i had Bunky's bervado, I'd
be the one basking the the boosom of those big bucks, buddy!
Balki: bummer!
The Sunshine Boys
submitted by: YOUR NAME/ NICKNAME <Cousin Balki@aol.com>
Friday September 10th 1999 03:12:04 PM

Lydia, suffering from a case of stage fright, knocks on
the door in the wee house of the morning, in panic, and
Balki replies,
"Oh, come in miss Lydia, and you tell us
all about it, you tell you Uncle Balki, and your Uncle
Almost Live from Chicago
Thursday September 9th 1999 08:43:41 PM

"I have my thinking cap pulled way down over my ears!"
Thursday September 9th 1999 08:40:41 PM

Upon Larry's confession that he used Balki's Myposian
formula to win a football pool and submitted it to a
football bookie, Balki eventually explains,
"In Mypos,
they have a bookie named JIMMIE THE GEEK; and if you
don't pay him, he shaves your head and calls you
"baldy" in front of your mother!"
Everybody in the Pool
submitted by: Steve <YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS>
Thursday September 9th 1999 08:38:14 PM

1.)(episode not reemembered) "dont call us, we'll call us!
2.)In the episode where Balki presided as judge over Larry's guilt or innocence over stealing office supplies, (Here Comes the Judge) balki asked, "Cousin Larry Appleton...how do you please?
(not remembered)
submitted by: Steve <Cusin Balki@aol.com>
Thursday September 9th 1999 07:52:53 PM

1.)"Well, of course not, don't be rediculous!"
2.)"Where do I come up with them?"
3.)"well, I'll be snookered!"
4.)"Oh, go on with you!"
5.)"Oohhh, poh-poh!"
6.)"Now we are so happy, we do the DANCE OF JOY!"
submitted by: Steve <Cousin Balki@aol.com>
Thursday September 9th 1999 05:44:41 PM

This is a Larry and Balki quote that's as common as Homer Simpson's "D'Oh!"
Larry: I have......!! Balki: Oh, God.
Larry: A plan!!
submitted by: Ken Masterson <Kraal93@aol.com>
Wednesday September 8th 1999 07:44:55 PM

This is from memory. Sory, I don't remember the episode
Larry; Well, the worst they can do is incarcerate us.
Larry: No, no. Not In-CIN-erated. In-CAR-cerated. Arrested.
Pros and Cons
submitted by: Ken Masterson <KRaal93@AOL.COM>
Tuesday September 7th 1999 11:55:01 AM

Its not I am a halloween, its I am a Hallow Weed.
Stress Test
submitted by: Dinort Dragon
Saturday July 24th 1999 05:46:29 PM

I am a Halloween.
That's what Balki kept saying in order to try to calm
Larry down when they were taking the stress test.
But what Larry was really supposed to say was, "I am a
hollow reed."
Stress Test
submitted by: Lyn <Lynduck3>
Thursday July 22nd 1999 12:46:03 PM

The itsy bitsy scorpian crawled up inside my shirt.
I smashed his little head in and threw him in the dirt.
When his legs stopped wiggling I threw him in my stew.
Cuz I like crunchy insects with pinchers on don't you?
(sung to the tune of The Itsy Bitsy Spider)
Balki sung it to the babies in the last episode I think.
Up, Up and Away
submitted by: Lyn <Lynduck3>
Thursday July 22nd 1999 12:42:48 PM

"Patience is a virgin..."
??? Too young to know the titles....
submitted by: Janice <dhyana@mailexcite.com>
Monday June 21st 1999 09:43:28 PM

"Well toss my greens and call me Ceaser."
Up, Up, and Away II
submitted by: Quijkhler <omicron@softhome.net>
Thursday March 18th 1999 03:13:52 PM

When Balki is in negotiations for a Myposian business
deal, the following song must be performed for good
luck: Hey biggi, ungi oh ka niggi, hongi, fongi,
longi, bongi, iggy wiggi, oh yeah, hongy bongy, hongy
bongy, hongy bongy, hongy bongy....the true fans will
know the rest!
The Selling of Mypos
submitted by: Mango <mangogirl4@hotmail.com>
Monday January 4th 1999 07:39:06 PM

When Balki is in negotiations for a Myposian business
deal, the following song must be performed for good luck:
Hey biggi, ungi oh ka niggi, hongi, fongi, longi, bongi,
iggy wiggi, oh yeah, hongy bongy, hongy bongy, hongy bongy,
hongy bongy....the true fans will know the rest!
The Selling of Mypos
submitted by: Mango <mangogirl4@hotmail.com>
Monday January 4th 1999 07:37:56 PM

Larry: Balki, there's a part of the plan I didn't tell you about.
Balki: Nothing good can follow that sentence.

This Old House
submitted by: Quijkhler <omicron@softhome.net>
Friday January 1st 1999 11:51:28 PM

"BEESTICKI FEESTICKI!!! Oops, excuse my Myposian."
The Break Up
submitted by: Quijkhler <omicron@softhome.net>
Monday November 9th 1998 03:31:03 PM

Balki: I want you promise me that you will never gamble illegally again.
Larry: I promise, I will never, ever gamble illegally agian.
Balki: And you promise that you will take Balki to Disney World.
Larry: And I promise I will.. Balki.
Balki: Sorry, it was worth a shot.

Everybody in the Pool
submitted by: Quijkhler <omicron@softhome.net>
Sunday November 1st 1998 01:48:08 PM

"Cousin, you didn't tell me we were fighting for life, puberty and the persuit of happieness."
Prose and Cons
submitted by: Quijkhler
Sunday November 1st 1998 01:38:58 PM

Larry(reading poem): Take five steps east, please be marticulous.
Balki: Well of course we will, don't be ridiculous.
Poetry in Motion
submitted by: Quijkhler
Friday October 9th 1998 04:29:21 PM

(Larry, Balki, and Jennifer are in a balloon)
"Come on Cousin, we're not teathered to mother earth but we're commuting with father sky. The wind, the air, that plane, DUCK!"
Up, Up and Away II
submitted by: Quijkhler
Friday October 9th 1998 04:22:40 PM

"Well you know what they say, a bird in the hand will keep
pecking, and pecking, and pecking, until your hand starts
to bleed."
Disorderly Orderlies
submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Friday October 9th 1998 04:17:56 PM

Balki: Cousin, would you be my negociating advisor?
Larry: I'd be honored
Balki: There's a ceremony
Larry: I'd rather pass on that. Is it really necessary?
Balki: It's manditory
Larry: Okay, let's get the humiliation over with
Balki: Cousin Larry Appleton, you are my official negociating advisor
Larry: That's it?
Balki: That's it, got any advise?
The Selling of Mypos
submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Friday October 9th 1998 04:13:28 PM

submitted by: ERIC <EWSmart@aol.com>
Sunday August 23rd 1998 01:46:14 AM

Larry: No, Balki. It's too ridiculous
Balki: All right then, do be ridiculous!

Call Me Indestructible
submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Wednesday August 19th 1998 01:39:25 PM

Balki: Cousin, look! A toaster! I just wouldn't be Friday without toast!
Larry: Balki, that's not a toaster, that's a radio.

Eyewitless Reports
submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Wednesday August 19th 1998 01:37:12 PM

Balki: "The trute must be served"
Larry: "Can't you serve it later?"
Balki: "No, it's getting cold."
the one where they play polo....

submitted by: brain <bprada@ucsd.edu>
Monday August 3rd 1998 12:45:00 PM

Balki: "The trute must be served"
Larry: "Can't you serve it later?"
Balki: "No, it's getting cold."
the one where they play polo....

submitted by: brain <bprada@ucsd.edu>
Monday August 3rd 1998 12:45:00 PM

joe mc nulty: "you're not safe at home until you

balki: " and you're not fully clean until you're zest
fully clean!"
and if you look at larry closely when balki says this,
he is struggling to keep his composure...
safe at home

submitted by: brain <bprada@ucsd.edu>
Friday July 31st 1998 09:38:00 AM

"you never know when someone from the island
of kleptos will sneak over... maniacs."
safe at home

submitted by: brain <bprada@ucsd.edu>
Friday July 31st 1998 09:34:00 AM

Balki is asked to sign his name , and he starts signing it
with the hands. Nex time the guy sas, take this pen and sign
your name, Balki taks the pen , puts it in the poket and
starts signing with the hands>

submitted by: Andrei <andreidan@yahoo.com>
Tuesday July 28th 1998 07:52:00 PM

(My favorite) - "Well, of course not, don't be ridiculous!"
(He says it in almost every episode!)

submitted by: Christina
Sunday July 26th 1998 07:33:00 PM

(Larry tells Balki that he doesn't need to be served anymore)
"But Cousin, that means I failed, and I would be... a nipulosolope!"

submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Monday July 6th 1998 08:08:00 PM

"Oh, oh. I have a good joke. I just got back from L.A. and
boy are my arms tired! That wasn't write!"
Everybody in the Pool

submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Monday July 6th 1998 08:05:00 PM

BALKI: Cousin, did Stephen King ever write anything about a piano?
I love that one!
Piano Movers

submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Monday July 6th 1998 08:01:00 PM

(Larry is on Balki's back as Balki is running down the
stairs from the piano)
LARRY: Faster, faster!
BALKI: Or perhaps you'd like to get off and wait for the
next Mypiot!
Piano Movers

submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Monday July 6th 1998 07:58:00 PM

BALKI: Who wants more of Balki's train mix. Right off the
JENNIFER: I do. These are delicious. What do you call these
nut like things?
BALKI: Nuts.
Up a Lazy River

submitted by: Quijkhler <quijkhler4@mailcity.com>
Monday July 6th 1998 07:55:00 PM

Quotes submitted: 54

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