Seven Card Studs

Episode #69 (4.19)
Broadcast Date: April 14, 1989
Copyright Date: 1989
Story: Two Days
My Rating: 7

Mr. Gorpley tricks Balki at his poker game, and Larry wants to win back the money that Balki lost.


When Larry was teaching Balki to play poker, he said that there was ketchup on his face. There wasn't ketchup on his face.

I'm not a poker expert, but I don't see how Larry could be so sure that he was going to win the hand. What if he actually got a spade in there? When he asked the dealer for three cards, he had no idea what they would be. If he had Jennifer look at Gorpley's cards and give him signals, then Larry can be sure if he would win.

Why would Larry give back Gorpley's car? Did he think that Gorpley would never take advantage of Balki again? He could've kept it for a while until he's sure Gorpley's not going to take advantage of Balki again.

Personal Information

Larry was known as smooth Larry Appleton in high school. Gorpley was known as slick Sam Gorpley.

Other Notes

After I saw this episode on USA Network on July 14, 1998, I have seen all 150 episodes of Perfect Strangers.



Writer: Paula A. Roth
Director: Joel Zwick

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